Use LinkedIn Hidden Features For Effective Personal Branding in 2018 - E-Commence Website Development | SEO Experts | Wordpress Development | Today Infotech

Thursday 1 February 2018

Use LinkedIn Hidden Features For Effective Personal Branding in 2018

The advent of business-oriented social media marketing platform, like LinkedIn has given birth to the concept of personal branding. The personal branding is a strategy to build a strong impression or image that reflects idea, vision, nature and concept of an organization, group and individual. The development of personal brand is a blend of art and science. It is called an art because everyone requires creativity to grab attention that is generally adopted in content marketing. On other hand, it is called science as there are some set of principles that are required for social media advertising.
At present, LinkedIn has become the most used platforms in the business world. According to the report, amazing facts have been unearthed, including:
  • It has touched more than 200 countries all around the world.
  • Around 350 million users are active on LinkedIn.
  • More than 35% of LinkedIn users daily log on to check.
  • Many marketers consider LinkedIn as a top social media platform for generating leads and delivering the content for business to business process.
LinkedIn is the powerful and one-stop destination that helps propel the business to business deal. This business-centered social media platform plays a key role in building powerful profile and empowering the brand. Here are some tips that can help you use LinkedIn in terms of personal branding effectively.
Let’s go through the following tips:

Build Strong Profile

Strong profile is the root of a great personal branding. Hence, it is essential to develop the strong profile in order to boost your brand value.

1. Prepare Stunning Headline

Below the name, the space is provided to add headline of around 120 characters. Start the headline with stunning tagline and then include the keywords that present the area of expertise and relevant information about you and your business.

2. Do Not Avoid Adding Photo

Most of the people do not consider importance of adding photo. The profile that are having photo are 11 times more probable to be viewed than those that do not have any photo. Moreover, it should be taken care that photo should be of high quality. It will be better, if photo of the individual is simple and do not have any creativity.

3. Integrate Background Image

There is an option to add background or cover photo in LinkedIn. Therefore, select the best image that describes your brand well and impress the viewers at a first sight.

4. Compose Inspiring Summary

There is a summary section with every profile page. This is a place, where you can share story associated with your profile. In order to improve searches, you can add different keywords and try to add content that inspire the reader to read the summary completely.

5. Complete Contact Info

With profile image and headline, there is an option “Contact Info”, where you can add the links to the blog & website, mention Twitter link and email detail. You can also add phone number, address and email ID.

6. Customize Your URL

With every profile, LinkedIn provides long URL that drives the online reader to directly reach to the profile. It is not easy to remember. Thus, it is better to customize the URL that consists your name and is easy to remember, so that you can share that URL with the interested users.

7. Add Work Detail

In LinkedIn, there is a choice to include SlideShare that enhances the capability to add work-related information in order to present the detailed description of your work. This will keep the readers interested in your content.

8. Mention Work Experience

Define relevant data in the experience section of the profile that includes different aspects (duration, nature and responsibility) of present and previous jobs.

9. Attach Media Files

LinkedIn allows the users to attach the media file, such as presentation, photos, links, document or video. Through this feature, you can make your profile stunning and readable.

10. Boost Visibility With Endorsing Skill

Skill & Endorsement
There is a Skill and Endorsement feature that enables you to add your skills and get them endorsed. The endorsing skill can enhance the probability of your profile being viewed by 13 times.

11. Gets Recommendations and Enhance Summary

The Recommendation section covers the testimonial that is far better than endorsement. There are various optional sections in the summary, where you can add detail about certification, publication, projects, organization and many more. Hence, post every information that are credential according to you.

Engage With Other User To Build Relationship

After setting up the profile, now it is the time to interact with other users and businesses in order to do the branding process.

1. Expand Network

Search the people, who are in your niche and whom you know. There is a section “people you may know” that showcases the list of the people with whom you can establish the connection. You can also use the advanced search to find the people of your niche and send them email or invitation to request them to connect with you. There is an automatic connection option “Connect” that enables you to interact with multiple users via a single click.

2. Participate In Community

At LinkedIn, you can join any business group or become a part of community that is associated with your subject. There are numerous groups available at LinkedIn. You can use any keyword at the search bar to find the group that is according to your interest. With the free account, you can join around 50 groups. In order to make the interaction convenient, this platform provides multiple options that help you set up or manage your group.

Become Responsive In Your Group

In order to grow your network, it is essential that you share the valuable content with the users in your group. Here you can perform the following things:

1. Share your ideas

At LinkedIn, you can share your thoughts, links (to valuable content) and images that are the great source of idea in your group, so that more people can connect to view your profile.

2.Take Participation In Group Discussion

Frequence Of Group Digest Mail
It is also good to participate in group discussion and share your knowledge, so that your profile gets more exposure in your group.

3. Post Your Blogs

On this platform, you can also share blogs that are associated with your key interest and informative for your group members. This will entice other users to read your content and give a boost to the personal branding.

Use Powerful Media To Share Content

1.Publish Content At SlideShare

Social Media & Marketing
LinkedIn has acquired SlideShare, an extensive community platform that is having more than 60 million users. Here the users can develop the presentation and professional content. This platform also allows the user to post infographics, documents as well as PDF files. With the help of SlideShare, you can optimize your content at LinkedIn and make your profile more viewable to the online users.

2.Be Updated With LinkedIn Pulse

The LinkedIn Pulse is a huge source of news and blogs, where you can find the content regarding your area of interest.

Choose Paid Services To Expedite Branding

LinkedIn also provides some of the paid services that can enable you to do personal branding seamlessly. However, you can do personal branding with the help of above given tips, but you should also be aware of paid services that can help in personal branding. Let’s have a glimpse over the paid services:

1. LinkedIn analytics

Demographics Of Your Readers
Without measuring, none can find out that whether he is successful in personal branding or not. This analytics feature will reflect:
I. The profile of users (who have viewed your profile).
II. Rank among the connection

2.LinkedIn Advertising

Linkedin Advertising
The LinkedIn advertising can allow you reach to the audience that are associated with your arena. It is a powerful B2B feature that can generate leads, sponsor updates and lots of things are possible with LinkedIn advertising.

3.Create Company Page

On this platform, you can create company page and interact with your followers by sharing news and other content. This is a smart feature by LinkedIn. It has many advanced feature that can help you in lead generation and optimize exposure.


Personal branding at LinkedIn is the best option. It will not only help your business stand out from the crowd, but also stave off the competition. Moreover, as the other businesses can easily reach to you, hence it builds healthy relationship.

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