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Friday 23 June 2017

Professional SEO Services

SEO Experts offers professional SEO services with full transparency, impeccable customer service, and some of the most dedicated experts in the business. We’re old-fashioned enough to believe in integrity and ethics while still being up-to-the-minute on the latest developments and strategies in search engine optimization.

We’ve been leaders in SEO since 2002, back when search engines were barely born and optimization was barely an idea. We’ve seen the trends, the black hat strategies, and the opportunists, and we’ve concluded that there’s no substitute for knowing the right way to conduct business. We’ve seen the rise and fall of many a black hat strategist, and we’re still standing – because we know that the strategies that always work have the virtue of never failing.

We’ve helped thousands of clients, from Fortune 500s to small start-ups, rise through the rankings, and we’ve done it with an A+ BBB rating, 98% client retention, and the official status of being the best SEO services available for Fortune 500 companies.

We’re good at what we do. And we have the data to prove it.

According to a recent study conducted by MarketingSherpa, “SEO is THE most effective tactic for lead generation, but also among the most difficult.”

Your company can focus on the word “effective”, because we’re the ones making sure the word “difficult” isn’t something you need to worry about.

That’s our job.

We offer affordable SEO services, impossibly great customer service, and the best strategies available today for every size business, large and small. Contact us now to see what we have to offer.

We promise our clients transparency in our professional SEO services, and we mean it. This lengthy page describes an overview of the process we go through with every one of our clients, so you can decide in advance if we’re delivering everything you need.

You’ll see a lot of services listed in this process, and we expand on many of them in our services section. If you ever have a question about a service, a term, or a strategy we describe here, don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’re more than happy to explain in detail every service we provide before you ever agree to let us provide you with affordable SEO services.

Without further ado: the SEO Experts Process.

Competitive Analysis

Organic SEO doesn’t exist in a vacuum. When you compete for search engine rankings, you’re not competing against your former best efforts – you’re competing against other businesses who are trying to optimize for the same markets.

Most likely your competitors have already put a ton of money and energy into securing their dominance for a particular keyword, you’d be throwing time and money away trying to catch up to them in that arena – but you could take the rug out from under them by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities and strategies they’re not using properly.

That’s why our process always begins with a competitive analysis: it’s impossible to determine the best SEO strategy without looking at your competition first.

We’ll create a full profile of your SEO standing along with your competitors, and determine the areas you can successfully exploit to climb up the rankings and stay at the top without incurring penalties.

Once we’ve taken a hard look at your current SEO standings and those of your competitors, it’s time to analyze your website’s performance.

Is your website search engine friendly?
The search engines (particularly Google) have a long list of best practices, and it’s best to comply with all of them – but in our experience, most businesses are either unaware of or poorly executing 90% of them.
We make sure your basic online foundation is solid, and this website analysis ensures that every aspect of your website is working for you, not against you.

Is your website user friendly?
While we’re making sure the search engines will look on your website favorably, we’ll also make sure your users are enjoying navigating your site. We’ll check out your website’s layout, ensure that all links are working properly and direct to the right places, and in general make the user experience as pleasant as possible.

Have you been hit with a Google penalty?
You’d be amazed how many business websites are penalized by search engines for “black hat” practices – even when those businesses had nothing but good intentions.

We’ll analyze your log files to see if you had any sudden drops in website visitors, which may have been caused by search engine penalties or algorithm updates such as Panda, Hummingbird or Penguin updates.

If your website has been affected by any updates or penalties we will create a plan to fix the areas of your website that are incurring them.
By the time we’re done, we’ll eliminate all the components actively working against your website’s optimization.

Keyword research is perhaps the most important part of our strategy process, and it’s also the most misunderstood of all. Most people think we simply pick keywords more or less at random – if our client is a shoe store in Burbank, we’ll try to optimize for “Burbank shoe store”, right?

Not really. Keyword research involves finding out which keywords people use when looking for products or services like yours, which keywords are searched most often and how competitive these keywords are.

Our keyword research will reveal the best keywords to target, based on search volume, keyword difficulty and relevance.

SEO Experts will optimize client’s website for up to 50 keywords. Additional keyword optimization can be provided. Contact your SEO consultant to request additional keyword optimization.

You may have heard that keyword tags are no longer relevant for search engines. That’s quite true, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth optimizing the rest of your metadata. Title tags still make a huge impact on your search engine rankings, and optimized description tags ensure the best click-through rates.

Our professional SEO copywriters will create new title tags optimized for search engines and new description meta tags that will be engaging and compelling to ensure the best click-through rates.

Website Architecture Optimization

Website architecture optimization basically consists of four components:

Internal linking structure optimization
URL optimization
HTML code optimization.
In a nutshell, this simply means that your website’s internal organization will be easy for search engines and users alike to navigate, ensuring that every single page of your website is found, recognized, and properly ranked.
Proper website architecture optimization helps get your content indexed, build relevancy for your keywords, gives your website more authority, and convert more visitors into leads or customers.

Ah, the back end – where only the most experienced SEO professionals dare to tread. Optimizing the source code for your site isn’t the easiest job, and only the best SEO technicians out there understand how to streamline your code so that it’s easy for spiders to index without compromising the integrity of your website on the front end.

We take care of that, and we also insert relevant keywords into the appropriate, search enginesanctioned places in the code, further optimizing your site on the back end as well as the front.

Natural and ethical link building
We only wear white hats here at SEO Experts, which means all of our link earning strategies are completely ethical and natural sanctioned by the search engines and won’t result in penalties. Instead, We mainly focus on creating top quality content that people like to share on social media and influential websites in your niche.
We also provide additional natural link building services including blog writing, building social media profiles, creating and promoting infographics, broken link building, press release optimization and distribution services to list your content on relevant, influential, and authoritative websites.

If you’re going to win front page ranking, you need to get other websites linking to yours. These inbound links from authoritative sites essentially give credibility to your business – in essence, the respected names of the industry are saying to the search engines: “This business is one of ours, and we think it’s worth recommending to others.”
There’s no easy or fast way to build links; anyone who tells you otherwise is sure to be wearing a black hat in their off hours. Link-building is a long-term strategy, and it comes into play later in your campaign – usually on the heels of content development, because the best way to get other authoritative sites in your niche to link to your website is to earn their links by creating useful and informative content which they will want to link to.
We create top quality content which is so compelling, that relevant and influential websites, bloggers and journalists will want to link to your site- adding greatly to your site’s authority in the eyes of the spiders.

As you can see, our process is extremely thorough, and naturally we have people in our company who are experts in any given step. To ensure that your campaign stays on task and on point, we assign each of our clients with an account manager to track every step.
Their dedication to provide nothing less than exceptional customer service, experience and insight helps each of these campaign components seamlessly come together to form a cohesive – and highly successful – whole. Our account managers also give you a single point person to talk to whenever you have questions: you’ll always be able to talk to someone who has a full update on any given aspect of your campaign at the drop of the hat, ensuring you feel completely in the loop at all times.

We take customer service and satisfaction extremely seriously at SEO Experts. We routinely ask our clients for feedback on our efforts, and any feedback that is less than exceptional is addressed immediately by the highest authorities in our company.
We’re constantly looking for suggestions from our clients on how to improve our professional SEO services, and we do everything in our power to put those suggestions into use.
This dedication to our clients is one of the reasons our monthly client retention rate is over 98% and our
BBB rating for customer satisfaction is A+

At SEO Experts, we want you to be convinced that working with us was well worth the investment. That’s why we make sure you have completely transparent, comprehensive reports from us every step of the way, showing how your ROI has measurably improved from each new strategy.
You’ll always be able to monitor every step of our progress, and give us your feedback on how you’d like us to proceed in light of those numbers.

From the beginning, we’ll provide a detailed website analysis to show you where you currently stand and detail the strengths and weaknesses of your site vs. your competitors.

From there, we’ll provide monthly search engine ranking and analysis reports that allow you to monitor your KPIs, so you can see how your rankings have improved from month to month.
You’ll know exactly how our efforts are paying off, and we are always happy to explain any part of the reports at any time. We know full transparency is important to our clients, and that makes it important to us, too.

Content Development Services

We’ve talked a lot about optimizing your code, your keywords, your website design – all of this amounts to nothing at all if your content doesn’t shine. It’s a bit like designing a truly stunning architectural marvel; if the inside is filled with trash, no one will care that the exterior convinced them to walk in the front doors.
We make sure your perfectly-designed exterior leads to rooms filled with enticing information: keywordrich,
unique, and compelling.
The more your visitors enjoy coming to spend time on your website, the higher your rankings will become. High quality content development gives them a reason to hang around – and often, to buy some of your services and products while they’re at it.
Our content development services include providing content of every variety, from articles and blog posts to website copy and white papers.

Increases conversion rates
Reduces bounce rates
Naturally attracts high quality backlinks
Lower bounce rates and more quality backlinks = better search engine rankings.
Page Speed Optimization Services

When we clean up your code, the spiders index your content quickly – and your users are able to load your pages more quickly too. This is hugely valuable to your site’s authority; slow sites are penalized by the search engines, and users hate slow-loading sites more than anything else in the world. A slow site alone can cost you as much as a 30% decrease in conversions and lost revenues.
We will analyze your server settings, JavaScript and CSS, images, content, and HTML to find every possible way to improve page speed performance, which makes the search engines happy, increases user retention and conversions, cuts download times, reduces bounce rates, and delivers fantastic customer satisfaction.

Improves user experience
Increases conversion rates
Reduces bounce rates
Improves search engine rankings

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